Tuesday, March 13


Stortini. Is. The. Shit.

I was at this game, and damn, did I fall in love with his style of play.



sally said...

I <3 Zachery Stortini. He wants to beat the shit out of everyone on ice. But off ice he's a really nice guy, who probably only wants to beat up drunks that hit on us.

Love it.

Lady_Byng said...

I love him too.
Too bad he has a gf (if that cute girl with him was his gf, which she probably was.) cuz if not, I would be all over that!


His hits are always awesome.

Hoping to see more of them on Monday!!

sally said...

I already said this on Dani's board, but I love that he seems to be so proud of being an Oiler. It makes me love him even more.

Maybe he'll drop the gloves on Monday... that would be schweet.