Tuesday, February 27

OILERS fan, or SMYTH fan?

I am an OILERS fan, not a SMYTH fan.

After watching the Hockey central "deadline day bash" on Sportsnet all day and reading some of the ludicrous comments from fans on the bottom ticker, all I have to say to all the Smyth-huggers who are jumping off the Oilers bandwagon: GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE! WE DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE!
Don't sit there and say you aren't going to be an OILERS fan anymore because SMYTH got traded. It's a team sport assholes, and it's a business as much as it is a game at the end of the day. Go become a fucking Islanders fan then if that will make you happy, much like the fucking Gretzky bandwagoners back in 1988 who became Kings fans. SUCK IT.

I honestly think the Smyth trade is hilarious.

Good on Lowe for not caving to his salary demands. Smyth really doesn't have many talents besides standing in front of the net and tipping pucks. Sure he works hard and is the Oilers "heart and soul" blah blah blah............. so was Messier at one point. He got traded eventually. THEY ALL DO. Unless your name is Steve Yzerman or Joe Sakic that is. The end of the franchise player ended long before Smyth was even drafted.

I don't even give a fuck, which is odd considering he is (was) the Oilers leading scorer this season, but I never was a big Smyth fan to begin with. He was just part of the team to me. I cried a little when I heard Bergeron was traded, but I didn't even care at all when I heard Smyth was traded. I know he will be missed on and off the ice but many fans, but after hearing from a few people that Smyth is a whiny ass-kisser (and also a cheap bastard who doesn't tip, which is weird cuz he owns a restaurant/bar for fuck's sake) I will miss him even less than I would have originally.

Now, if say my Raffi had been traded I would be a crying blubbing mess, but after being in denial when Doug Weight was traded, I have learned to deal with trades better. Still cry yes, still miss the player yes, but it's a team sport so players come and go. We can't hold on to them forever because forever doesn't exist.

Farewell Smyth, thanks for all the goals. I sure won't miss your "groupies".

Remember kids, it's about the crest on the front of your jeresy, not the name on the back.

Robert Nilsson.

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