Sunday, February 18

Just a "game"?

Or does it mean something more?

Hardcore/die-hard Oilers fans can relate to this; hell hardcore/die-hard fans of any hockey team can relate to this: someone who is either not a hockey/sports fan at all or a bandwagoner/casual fan saying that it's just a "game."

Just a game hey?!
Ludicrous to be crying because Bergeron got traded; even after drunkenly yelling at the TV last night "FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUU BERGERON!!!"
"Crazy" to let a "game" and a team of men playing that said game effect my emotions?!
On the contrary my friend.

Why be a "fan" (short for fanatic: a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal) if some sort of emotion is not invoked after the outcome of the "game"?
Hockey means more to some of us than outsiders will ever know and feel.
To some of us (well, to me anyways) hockey means more than just being a game.
Yes, I love the game, and I love the Oilers, even when they are sucking and the playoffs seem farther off after every passing game, there is still the sense of belonging and the sense of hope that they will pull through.
Hockey is an escape from the every grind of working life, a chance to be part of something bigger than ourselves, (see the 2006 playoffs for that point), a passion that is driven 1st by the love of the game and 2nd by the men that pay it.
Players come and go; we cry and move on, but the passion is still there; always will be there.
It's a way of life.


Alana on hot-oil sums it up best:

It's heartbreaking to see your team flounder like this, especially after last year's success. I think I've forgotten how to be optimistic -- I go into each game with no hope at all. This way, the wins are happy surprises and the losses are nothing more than inevitabilities. The Oilers have become that crush that really defines the word "crush" -- they're that boy who gets your hopes up and then stomps your heart over and over. But no matter how disappointed he makes you, you still love him. It's painful, but there's really no escaping -- all you can hope for is that one shining moment where he reminds you why you fell in love with him in the first place.


My gal Sally with her take on the subject:

I'm So Frustrated.

I honestly don't know what's keeping me from punching a hole in my wall.

It's funny how a game can affect your mood so much. I remember crying for days after losing to the Canes in Game 7 last season. Add the whole Pronger fiasco, and you got yourself a pretty shitty couple of weeks. I remember seeing an interview with Juice on TSN after the game, and he looked so heartbroken, it killed me. So I stopped watching Snet, the Score, and TSN for a while, in fear that they would be playing an interview with another heartbroken Oiler, or show a clip of Rod Brind'Amour frenching the Cup.

My mom told me that it was "silly to be upset over a game." But you know, hockey is so much more than "a game" to me. It's my life.

Besides, why bother watching something if it does nothing to your emotions? I probably feel 10 different things during every game. Everything from being so angry that I throw and/or break whatever is around me, to being so happy that it brings me to tears.

Everyone has that one thing they're passionate about, and my passion is hockey.


1 comment:

sally said...

Nicely put, dood. I agree with you 100%.

By the by, my original comment was pretty long, so I think I'm going to make it into a post, which will elaborate this topic even more.