So much for the (F)lames stellar defense corps. If not for Kipper (did he dye his red hair brunette?) the (F)lames would have lost by bigger margins than 4-1 and 3-1.
The Sharks are up 2-1 in their series against the Predators.
By far the most rough and entertaining series of all. Our old friends Billy G and Grier are playing pretty solid.
Plus, who knows what color Mark Smith is going to dye his hair to next; that's half the fun of watching him.
Maybe Kipper wanted to get in on the fun, (being a former teammate of Smith's in San Jose) but he missed the memo on dyeing it a funky hair color, not plain brown.
The Ducks are on the verge of sweeping the Wild. I tried to watch this series and just couldn't do it.
I hate the Wild, and even though I predicted the Ducks would win, I am in no way cheering for them. Watching a game/series and not caring about which team wins is pointless and boring.

Wild/Ducks series is pretty lame/boring, but I'm watching it. Go Ducks!
Mark Smith's hair is the shit. So awesome. Is it still green? I'm not even sure, aha.
I'm not completely sure what color his hair is a.t.m either.
I love when he does the blond streak and then a streak of color, like purple. Soooooooo hot.
I was reading on the Sharks website that he's in a band, so that would explain the punk-rock hair. <3
He's got a record company or something too, right?
Seems like a pretty cool dood.
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