Sunday, April 8

OILERS WIN!!! Wooo-eeeee

Oilers win! Oilers win! Oilers win!

But it was all for nothing, expect to see the boys (act) happy one last time.
It was a joyous few minutes anyways. The realization of not making the playoffs hit about 20 games ago, but it was still a bit sad to know that this season has finally come to an end.
What with the drama that started back in June 2006 days after losing in game 7 of the SCF; Pronger asking for a trade for 'personal family reasons' (re: his wife is an American high-maintaince princess bitch); most of the UFA's leaving; the major injuries to Moreau, Staios, Stoll, and to as lesser extent Hemsky; the inconstancy of Torres, Lupul, and Horcoff; the Smyth trade, the long losing streaks........... I'm glad this season is finally over.
Yes, it stings; for sure some of these boys won't be back come training camp in September; but life will go on.

The Avalanche lost, so they too miss the playoffs.
And of course the damn dirty Leafs knocked out the Habs, one of the few Canadian teams I actually give a crap about. (The Leafs are a team that I don't give a crap about. Have fun being swept by Buffalo if you do make the playoffs.)

The Carolina Hurricanes were officially knocked out of playoff contention earlier in the week; I don't know if this is supposed to make me feel better or worse about the Oilers sucking so bad this season.
It is the 1st season, well, since the NHL took sole possession of the Stanley Cup that both finalists from the previous season missed the playoffs. What a kick in the junk. Just goes to show the parity in the league, or the sheer luck of it all.
Thanks a lot Cam Ward for stealing our Cup and then blowing it out your ass this season.

Good luck to all the (Oilers and Canadian) boys going to Russia for the 2007 IIHF World Championships, and here's to all the injured players have a successful recovery.

Happy Easter everyone!

Playoff predictions later when I feel like it.

Also, a belated congrats to my Marty for breaking Parent's record for most wins in a season with his 48th win on Thursday night against the Flyers. Brodeur’s 48-win mark surpasses Parent’s previous record of 47, which had stood since 1973-74. Brodeur leads the league in wins (of active goaltenders) and now has 494 victories in his career, just 57 shy of Patrick Roy’s all-time record of 551. Brodeur also has 12 shut outs on the season, to give him 92 in his career. He is the only goaltender in NHL history with 6 40+ win seasons; no other goaltender has more than 3.

Vezina trophy anyone?


sally said...

I love Marty. Probably my all time favorite goalie... if not my all time favorite player in general. I have a soft spot for goalies, as I'm sure you know ;)

Also, Marty is getting close to surpassing Sawchuk's record of 103 career shutouts. I wouldn't really be surprised if he passed it next season.

Lady_Byng said...

He has 92 as of now, he should pass it before he retires.

I hope he's in net when the Devils come to Edm next season.
We may even have to go to Calgary to see him play as well!
That would be fun; hanging out in Calgary as Oilers fans but wearing our Brodeur jerseys!

So Jussi might be a goner hey?
There's a story in the Edm Sun today about it.