Sorry to my two loyal readers, but I've been slacking in the blogging department lately, instead of writing I have been reading and commenting on other blogs and wasting a hell of a lot of time on facebook. And I mean a hell of a lot of time.
My apologies.
So far the season has not gone as we have hoped, what with
Moreau's injury being worse than originally thought, the boys winning two then dropping four, the power play still stinks, the vets are being outscored by the rooks, and now
Souray's injury. UGH. There shouldn't be this much stress this early in the season!
Shall we talk about the past then? Ok.
As I was at the Oilers-Flames pre-season game back on September 26th, I noticed a very interesting (or disturbing, depending on how you look at it) trend. Flames fans seem to only know 3 players on their own team. Of all the Flames jerseys that were crested that I saw worn at the game, only 3 players were evident: Iginla, Phaneuf, and Kiprusoff. Really, your team consists of more than just the 3 cornerstone players. This is why I love Oilers fans, we aren't afraid to buy jerseys for any and all of the players. Hell, some loser last season was still wearing his Josh Green #12 jersey.
The best part of the night was the 4 Flamers fans sitting a few rows behind us with the hard-on for Huselius. It was all "Huselius this, Huselius that, if Huselius was gay he would totally be my bf, blah blah blah." The real fun started when two Oilers fans sitting across the isle from them started a Huselius chant.
"hoo-SAY-lee-oos!!!" "Sucks!" "hoo-SAY-lee-oos!!!" "Sucks!" "hoo-SAY-lee-oos!!!" "Sucks!" "hoo-SAY-lee-oos!!!" "Sucks!" And so on. Soon most of the gallery was in on the "Sucks!" part. Pure Gold.
Home opener was pretty stellar, with the boys winning in a shoot-out over the San Jose Sharks. We all know how the game story went, so I'll write about the fun had after the game waiting at the 'creeper' fence for autographs. Cuz really that what this blog is supposed to be about, more than just the game.
Bought me a new Oilers hat to start the season, then bought a duplicate to get signed. We met up with one of the girls we made friends with last season at the 'creeper autograph fence' and chatted about the new season and Souray among other things. I should have wore a jacket as it was a chilly night out. Oh well, I survived.
Reasoner had a split lip, when he came to sign he was bleeding. Someone asked him if he wanted something for it, I piped up and offered him a napkin, even though I didn't have one, lol. He politely declined. Good thing, because that would have been awkward.
I asked Raffi if he lost his contact in the scrum in the 1st period, because after the scrum he was down on the ice for awhile. When he was doing his time in the penalty box, looked like to me that he was washing off a contact lens. (I wear contacts, so I know about that.) He said "yep" with a little smile and then I said "I knew it! I sooooooo called it from row 46!"
Kyle Hot-Rod-ziak and Tom Gilbert come up together to sign; someone asked Kyle to turn and smile so she could take his pic, and Gilbert backed out of the way. I said, "Hey Gilbert, you didn't sign my hat yet; you have to sign it cuz we are facebook friends!" lololololol.
Garon was wearing a very sharp suit, I should have taken a picture of him it was that sharp. And he's a lefty like me, so he's alright in my books.
Finally after freezing my arse off, Sheldon Souray came out. I was in such a frenzy to get my jersey off that I got stuck in the rush. I managed to get it off in one piece and hand it to him before he got away, lol. Some of the guys rush thru signing and leave. Some guys don't even come and sign for that matter. He said "Thank you for the jersey!" when I handed it to him to get signed. I said, "No, THANK YOU!" I told that I had asked his brother to get it signed for me, but that he was being a jerk. Sheldon replied "that's nothing new." lol, burn! (I know Sheldon's half-brother as he works for the same restaurant chain as I do.) Souray was very nice about everything he signed and even made a video greeting for someone from his hometown when they politely asked. Made me love him even more. He also signed my hat and my Oilers 2007/08 guide. Good thing I stocked up on the Souray autos as he probably won't be signing for a few weeks due to his injury. But ya never know cuz Moreau was at the games at the end of last season when he was out injured and came to sign most nights.
I love these boys, but they aren't earning that unconditional love so far. They better kick some Coyotes ass tomorrow night, as they are the only team worse than us so far. UGH. Hoping for a 8-2 win with Hemsky and Stoll each scoring hat-tricks to break out of their zeros in the goal column, but I'll take a 4-3 nail bitter. Stoll, Hemsky, Cogliano, and Greene with the Oilers goals.
Sorta off-topic note: call me what you want for this (I really don't give a crap), but I'm addicted to a remix version of Britney Spears "Gimme More" song. Hopefully the boys "Gimme more" in the form of a win tomorrow. GOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!